“Supporting the English-speaking community in West Quebec”

Free Tax Clinic

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Do you need help with your tax return? You may be eligible for help at our free tax clinic if you have a modest income and a simple tax situation.
The Regional Association of West Quebecers is a community partner with the Income Tax Assistance – Volunteer Program. The program aids people who are unable to complete their tax returns and cannot afford the services of tax professionals. Our team of volunteers will complete your income tax returns for free. Our tax clinic will run from March 14th to March 24th from 9:00am-4:30pm, through our Gatineau office.
To be eligible for the program, individuals must have a modest income and a simple tax situation.
Individuals assisted by the program include: adults 65 years and older, Indigenous Peoples, modest-income individuals, newcomers, persons with disabilities, and students.
In general, a tax situation is simple if an individual has no income or if their income comes from these sources: employment, pension, benefits, such as Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, disability insurance, employment insurance, and social assistance, Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), support payments, scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, or grants, and interest (under $1,000)
Suggested income limits:
-Person living alone: $35,000
-Couple: $45,000
-Each dependant: $2,500
-One adult with one child: $45,000
-Each additional dependant: $2,500
To book an appointment, call 819-682-9602 or email oec@westquebecers.ca